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Game Plan, Canada's Total Athlete Wellness Program


Centennial College

Sports Journalism (a post-graduate certificate program) at Centennial College brings together an outstanding group of professors from the industry to give our students a modern “tool box” filled with the skills necessary for success in the ever-changing world of media.

Included is instruction in five types of writing (digital, print, television, radio/podcasting, social media), broadcast production (studio, field and chase), on-air performance, story creation and delivery, interviewing and beat creation, Canadian sports history, and stats and research.

We also offer extensive experiential learning opportunities – those that take you out of the classroom into real situations where you cover sporting events along with working media. Past experiences include the 2015 Pan Am Games, baseball spring training, in Florida, and the 2016 Paralympic Games, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

This is a one year, three-semester program beginning in January and running to the end of December (some placements tail into January depending on what you choose). Placements begin in early November and can be done anywhere across the world you wish

  • we have sent students across Canada and the United States, and to Australia.

For information, contact founder/coordinator Malcolm Kelly, at [email protected] and for program details go to

Malcolm Kelly
Professor/Program Coordinator, Sports Journalism, Centennial College
T: 416-289-5000 ext. 8697